Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Plan to repair county elevators has $3.2M price tag

After several incidents of people getting stuck in dilapidated elevators at the aging county Hall of Administration, officials are poised to set aside $3.2 million for upgrades.

County Internal Services Director Tom Tindall said the hall's 11 elevators have been in operation for more than 50 years and are due for replacement, even though they meet current code requirements.

He said the county's Chief Executive Office has identified $3.2 million in "extraordinary maintenance funding" to modernize the elevators. If the Board of Supervisors signs off on the project, the upgrades could be completed in 20 months.

Tindall estimated that another $2.1million would be needed for the elevators at the Stanley Mosk Courthouse, which was built at the same time as the hall, in the early 1960s. He said the court's administrative office will try to determine whether the funds are available.

Supervisors Don Knabe, Michael Antonovich and Zev Yaroslavsky proposed upgrades to the elevators at the hall - the seat of county government - during a board meeting in May after several county employees and visitors complained about becoming trapped in them.

Knabe said one of his staffers was stuck for an hour in an elevator suspended at the top floor of the building. Meanwhile, Antonovich complained that a Chinese delegation riding an elevator to visit his eighth floor office also had problems.

Two cashiers with the Treasure and Tax Collector's Office

said they were terrified when an elevator that was supposed to take them to a higher floor descended erratically into the basement instead, lurching the entire time.


Kelly Clarkson Amanda Detmer Elena Lyons Melissa Rycroft Jennifer Morrison

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